Friday, December 16, 2011

What I Thought

Wanting to post this drawing, but realizing that I didn't have anything to say about it, made me remember a fear I had when I was nine.

At that point in life, everything I heard, read,
watched or just looked at was new (to me anyway),
and I couldn't help but notice that no one my age
was coming up with any of this stuff. I started to
wonder what would happen when the older
generation stepped aside and we took over.

Not wanting to live in a world like that, I
spent four minutes trying to make up a song that
had no melody and didn't rhyme. Four decades
later I still haven't made a new song, but
other people have, so that's okay.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Talking About Comic Books

I read that people used to gather around and listen to anyone on the street who would speak when the Roman empire was around. Listening to certain professional speakers I could understand, but the idea of listening to ordinary people expound information just seemed too much of a stretch.

Then in 2004 people started doing podcasts, and professional or not, I found that I listen to quite a few. Listening to ordinary people seems to be okay, as long as they are talking about subjects that I am interested in.

So, not understanding the concept at the beginning, I find it odd to join three friends and do one myself. You can listen to it here.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Time Squandered

A visiting instructor stated that the worst thing
to happen to mankind were television and computers.
He didn't elaborate on it any further, but I think about
it a lot as I sit here surfing the web instead
of drawing like I used to do.

Friday, January 7, 2011


I found this small magnet in a box while rearranging my work space
at home. Moving the furniture isn't much of a problem, but getting all
the books, compact discs and other paraphernalia out of the way while
you do it is. You don't realize how much has been accumulated until
it is off the shelves and piled all over the place.

A few friends of mine have been taking piles of books and most of their
cd collection to a few stores to get rid of them. My wife gets upset
about the stack of vinyl records that I can't part with.

Never the less, I found this really cool magnet I thought was lost.